Hello world! My name is

Dan Burger

Welcome to my website

I am a Software Engineer and Lifelong Learner. I am currently pursuing career opportunities where I can grow into a technical leadership role while contributing both my software skills and people skills.

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About Me

Professional Backend, Hobbyist Frontend, Aspiring Full-Stack Engineer

I've spent the past few years as a Software Engineer II at Lockheed Martin Space supporting a real-time satellite data distribution program. My time there has taught me the importance of well tested, scaleable, and performant code. I quickly became a key contributor with my work on Docker containerized client software, programming in-house developer and test tools, and optimizing our Elastic stack

I earned my bachelor's degree in Computer Engineering from Purdue University and worked internships at Northrop Grumman and Buildout.

During my free time, you can find me performing in comedy shows (improv and sketch) at Rise Comedy, rollerblading, and running.

PythonC++JavaRuby on RailsReactLinuxGit/GitLabDockerDevOpsAgile DevelopmentTechnical Demos/Presentations

Featured Projects

Buildout Social Media Integration

At Buildout, I developed a RESTful API Web Service using Ruby on Rails in MacOS that leveraged the APIs of Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Instagram to integrate them into Buildout. I designed a frontend user experience that connected to our Web Service to allow Buildout users to securely log in, post to, and get insights from their preferred social medias.

RubyRuby on RailsREST APIsReactWeb ServicesPostgreSQLPostman

Website for Comedy Show Advertisement and Audition Registration

My improv group needed a stronger online presence and simple software tools to help streamline tasks. I designed a CRUD website where we can post info, embed our livestream shows, allow users to create an account, upload media and register for our auditions, as well as support admin accounts that have permissions to edit frontend website elements.

Ruby on RailsWeb DevelopmentAuthenticationPrivilege separation

Smart Chess Board with Phone Connectivity

For my built two smart chess boards that connect to the players smartphones via Bluetooth so two people can play a physical game of chess no matter the distance between them. I specialized in Android app development, Bluetooth communication, and PCB design.

CJavaAndroid developmentPCB DesignBluetoothMicrocontroller Interfacing
See all my projects

Contact Me

I can't be summarized in just one simple website, feel free to reach out to me if you want to get to know me better.

My E-Mail
My City
Denver, CO
© 2024 Dan Burger